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Swedish-English translation for: second-hand
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Dictionary Swedish English: second hand

Translation 1 - 44 of 44

ADJ   second-hand | - | -
NOUN   a second hand | second hands
ur sekundvisare {u}second hand
Keywords contained
handel andrahandsmarknad {u}second-hand market
handel secondhandbutik {u}second-hand shop
andrahandsvärde {n}second-hand value
Partial Matches
sekund {u}second
andra <2:a>second <2nd>
näst störst / störstasecond largest
syssling {u}second cousin
ling. andraspråk {n}second language
tjugoandra <22:a>twenty-second <22nd>
varannan dag {u}every second day
vartannat hus {n}every second house
film Unverified c-fotograf {u}second assistant cameraman
hundradels sekund {u}hundredth of a second
tusendels sekund {u}thousandth of a second
idiom Unverified att komma in i andra andningen [bildl.] [vard.] [komma över den värsta tröttheten och bli piggare igen]to get one's second wind
hand {u}hand
för handby hand
handhållen {adj}hand-held
handsydd {adj}hand-sewn
mil. handgranat {u}hand grenade
handspegel {u}hand mirror
handsprit {u}hand sanitizer
slända {u} [spinnredskap]hand spindle
handtvätt {u}hand wash
järnhand {u} [bildl.]iron hand [fig.]
fordon ratt {u}hand wheel [steering wheel]
fordon vänsterstyrd {adj}left-hand drive <LHD>
fordon högerstyrd {adj}right-hand drive <RHD>
att ge ngn. ett handtagto give sb. a hand
fordon vänsterstyrning {u}left-hand drive <LHD>
fordon högerstyrning {u}right-hand drive <RHD>
å andra sidan {adv}on the other hand
anat. handrygg {u}back of the hand
handdammsugare {u}hand-held vacuum cleaner
att ge ngn. en hjälpande handto give sb. a helping hand
vänstra sidan {adv}on the left-hand side
höger hand {adv}on the right-hand side
ur visare {u} [på ur]hand [on a clock or watch]
att leva ur hand i mun [idiom]to live from hand to mouth [idiom]
traf. vänstertrafik {u}left-hand traffic [driving on the left]
traf. högertrafik {u}right-hand traffic [driving on the right]
att hand i hand (med ngt.)to go hand in hand (with sth.) [idiom]
idiom att känna ngt. som sin egen fickato know sth. like the back of one's hand
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