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Engelsk-svensk ordbok

Swedish-English translation for: old fashioned
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Dictionary Swedish English: old fashioned

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

ADJ   old-fashioned | more old-fashioned | most old-fashioned
SYNO   antique | demode | ex ... 
ålderdomlig {adj}old-fashioned
antikverad {adj}old-fashioned
gammaldags {adj}old-fashioned
gammalmodig {adj}old-fashioned
Partial Matches
åttaåring {u} <8-åring>eight-year-old <8-year-old>
artonåring {u} <18-åring>eighteen-year-old <18-year-old>
elvaåring {u} <11-åring>eleven-year-old <11-year-old>
femtonåring {u} <15-åring>fivteen-year-old <15-year-old>
fyraåring {u} <4-åring>four-year-old <4-year-old>
fjortonåring {u} <14-åring>fourteen-year-old <14-year-old>
nioåring {u} <9-åring>nine-year-old <9-year-old>
nittonåring {u} <19-åring>nineteen-year-old <19-year-old>
ettåring {u} <1-åring>one-year-old <1-year-old>
sjuåring {u} <7-åring>seven-year-old <7-year-old>
sjutonåring {u} <17-åring>seventeen-year-old <17-year-old>
sexåring {u} <6-åring>six-year-old <6-year-old>
sextonåring {u} <16-åring>sixteen-year-old <16-year-old>
tioåring {u} <10-åring>ten-year-old <10-year-old>
trettonåring {u} <13-åring>thirteen-year-old <13-year-old>
treåring {u} <3-åring>three-year-old <3-year-old>
tolvåring {u} <12-åring>twelve-year-old <12-year-old>
tjugoåring {u} <20-åring>twenty-year-old <20-year-old>
tvååring {u} <2-åring>two-year-old <2-year-old>
gammal {adj}old
uråldrig {adj}age-old
relig. gammalkatolsk {adj}Old Catholic
ålderdom {u}old age
relig. gammalkatolik {u}Old Catholic
ling. fornengelska {u}Old English
stofil {u} [vard.]old fogey
ling. fornfranska {u}Old French
gubbe {u} [vard.] [gammal man]old man
ling. fornnordiska {u}Old Norse
femåring {u} <5-åring>five-year-old
bot. skog. urskog {u}old-growth forest
orn. T
tusenårig {adj}thousand-year-old [attr.]
Hur gammal är du?How old are you?
film litt. F Den gamle och havetThe Old Man and the Sea [novel: Ernest Hemingway, film: John Sturges]
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