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Swedish-English translation for: S.
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Dictionary Swedish English: S

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NOUN   an S | Ss
söder {adv} <S> [om]
south <S> [of]
det ärit's [it is]
syd {adv} <S> [om]south <S> [of]
dagens ...today's ...
Unverified gårdagens {adj}yesterday's [attr.]
psyk. Aspergers syndrom {n} <AS>Asperger's [coll.] [Asperger's syndrome, Asperger disorder]
psyk. sadomasochism {u}sadomasochism <S&M, SM, S/M>
syd {noun} [oböjl.] <S>south <S>
kemi svavel {n} <S>sulfur [Am.] <S>
kemi svavel {n} <S>sulphur <S>
tobaksaffär {u}tobacconist's [esp. Br.]
2 Words: Others
till ngns. dispositionat sb.'s disposal
meteo. Det haglar.It's hailing.
meteo. Det regnar.It's raining.
Det snöar.It's snowing.
meteo. Det åskar.It's thundering.
Låt oss gå!Let's go!
Det är toppen!That's awesome!
Unverified detta års {adj}this year's
Hur är läget?What's up? [Am.] [coll.]
2 Words: Verbs
att krossa ngns. hjärtato break sb.'s heart [idiom]
idiom att fylla ngns. skorto fill sb.'s shoes
2 Words: Nouns
arbete damskräddare {u}(lady's) dressmaker
bibl. aronitiska välsignelsen {u}Aaron's blessing
anat. adamsäpple {n}Adam's apple
med. Alzheimers sjukdom {u} <AD>Alzheimer's disease <AD>
Unverified artistnamn {n}artist's name
psyk. Unverified Aspergers syndrom {n} <AS>Asperger's disorder
psyk. Aspergers syndrom {n} <AS>Asperger's syndrome <AS>
jur. advokatsbyrå {u}attorney's office [Am.]
kemi Avogadros tal {n}Avogadro's number <NA>
underv. vetens. kandidatexamen {u}bachelor's degree
mat. verktyg brödspade {u}baker's peel
verktyg frisörsax {u}barber's scissors
nybörjarmisstag {n}beginner's mistake
stat. Bessels korrigering {u}Bessel's correction
orn. fågelbo {n}bird's nest
handel inred. snickeri {n} [om möbler och dyl.]cabinet-maker's
textil kamelull {u}camel's wool
barnlek {u}child's play
biblio. förlags. litt. barnbok {u}children's book
film knattebio {u}children's cinema [esp. Br.]
med. barnsjukdom {u}children's disease
film barnfilm {u}children's film
barnkammare {u}children's room
underv. Barnens universitet {n}Children's university
samlarföremål {n}collector's item
samlarobjekt {n}collector's item
komjölk {u}cow's milk
rynkor {pl} kring ögonen [yttre hörn]crow's feet
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