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avancerad {adj} {past-p}advanced [in skills / time]
svävande {adj} [oböjl.]floating [in air]
knivmördad {past-p} {adj}knifed [dead in the aftermath]
enfärgad {adj}plain [in only one colour]
knivmördad {adj} {past-p}stabbed [dead in the aftermath]
{adv}thus [in this way, like this]
det viset {adv}thus [in this way]
i slutändan {adv}ultimately [in the end]
frisk {adj}well [in good health]
att pimpa ngt. [vard.]to pimp sth. [sl.] [adapt, embellish in an ostentatious manner]
att backa [köra bakåt]to reverse [in a vehicle]
att serverato serve [food etc., also in sports]
att örfila ngn.to smack sb. [in the face]
våning {u}
floor [in a multistorey building]
nådebröd {n}[voluntary support for a former employee or relative in old age]
teater akt {u}act [in a play]
meteo. aftonglöd {u}afterglow [glow seen in the sky after sunset]
arki. alkov {u}alcove [in a room]
arki. nisch {u}alcove [in a wall]
sjöf. traf. pollare {u}bollard [Br. in non-nautical applications]
uppsving {n}boom [e.g. in the economy]
underv. skolrast {u}break [between lessons in school]
fys. transp. vapen laddning {u} [elektrisk laddning; om vapen, sprängämne; mindre brukligt: fartygsladdning]charge [electric charge; in firearms, exploders; load, cargo]
ling. Unverified utrum {n}common [gender, combining m and f, but not n, in Dutch and Scandavian languages]
järnv. kupé {u}compartment [in a train]
påklädning {u}dressing [in clothes]
uppslag {n}entry [e.g. in a dictionary]
Turism inresa {u}entry [in a country]
mytol. Eridanos {u}Eridanos [river in Greek mythology]
geogr. hist. Eridanos {u}Eridanos [stream in ancient Greece]
mytol. Eridanos {u}Eridanus [river in Greek mythology]
foto. exponering {u}exposure [in photography]
tek. växel {u}gear [e.g. in a gearbox]
geogr. Georgien {n}Georgia [in Eurasia]
helvete {n}hell [or: Hell (in the religious sense)]
grop {u}hole [in the ground]
sport häck {u} [vid häcklöpning]hurdle [in a hurdle race]
brevinkast {n}letterbox [esp. Br.] [in a door]
pol. ministerium {n}ministry [in certain countries, department]
geogr. fjäll {n}mountain [going over the treeline, esp. in Northern Sweden]
mus. Unverified panflöjt {u}panpipe [often used in the plural: panpipes]
part {u}party [in an agreement, a dispute, contract etc.]
passning {u} [förflytta en boll eller puck]pass [e.g. in football, soccer]
med. plåster {n}plaster [for covering a cut in the skin]
bygg. traf. tjälskott {n}pothole [in a road surface]
sänkning {u} [t.ex. av pris]reduction [e.g. in price]
ling. skånska {u}Scanian [dialect spoken in Skåne (Scania), southern Sweden]
aktie {u}share [in a company]
järnv. sliper {u}sleeper [Br.] [in railway track]
rutschbana {u}slide [e.g. in a playground]
rutschkana {u}slide [e.g. in a playground]
fyrkantig person {u} [bildl.] [stel person]square [coll.] [a person, conventional in taste or way of life]
arki. urban torg {n}square [open space often in the center of a town]
zool. T
flygel {u}wing [of a building, in politics, on a car] [Br.]
geogr. Sansibar {n} [autonoma regionen i Tanzania]Zanzibar [autonomous region in Tanzania]
geogr. Zansibar {n} [autonoma regionen i Tanzania]Zanzibar [autonomous region in Tanzania]
2 Words: Verbs
att vara upptagento be occupied [busy or in use]
att se efter [i en bok]to look up [in a book]
att hångla [vard.]to make out [Am.] [coll.] [to engage in kissing]
att råhånglato make out [Am.] [coll.] [to engage in kissing]
att hämta upp ngn.to pick sb. up [collect in vehicle]
Unverified att klämma in [pressa in]to tuck (in)
Unverified att klämma in [pressa in]to wedge in
att utarbetato work out [plan in detail]
2 Words: Nouns
alpglöd {u}Alpine glow [in the Alps] [or: alpine glow [elsewhere]]
ekon. fin. riksbank {u}central bank [esp. in Sweden]
brevinkast {n}letter box [esp. Br.] [in a door]
bygg. traf. tjälskott {n}pot hole [in a road surface]
geogr. Sankta Helena {n} [ö]Saint Helena [island in the Atlantic Ocean]
3 Words: Verbs
sport att gränsla [inom slalom]to straddle a gate [in slalom or giant slalom]
5+ Words: Nouns
kemi ordspråk SIV-regeln {u} [best. f.] [syra in vatten]Always do things as you oughta, add the acid to the water!
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