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Swedish-English translation for: [constellation]
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Dictionary Swedish English: [constellation]

Translation 1 - 50 of 91  >>

astron. Andromeda {u} [stjärnbild]Andromeda <And> [constellation]
astron. Luftpumpen {u} [best. f.] [oböjl.] [Antlia] [stjärnbild]Antlia <Ant> [constellation]
astron. Paradisfågeln {u} [best. f.] [Apus] [stjärnbild]Apus <Aps> [constellation]
astron. Vattumannen {u} [best. f.] [Aquarius] [stjärnbild]Aquarius <Aqr> [constellation]
astron. Örnen {u} [best. f.] [Aquila] [stjärnbild]Aquila <Aql> [constellation]
astron. Altaret {n} [best. f.] [stjärnbild]Ara <Ara> [constellation]
astron. Väduren {u} [best. f.] [Aries] [stjärnbild]Aries <Ari> [constellation]
astron. Kusken {u} [best. f.] [Auriga] [stjärnbild]Auriga <Aur> [constellation]
astron. Björnvaktaren {u} [best. f.] [Bootes] [stjärnbild]Bootes <Boo> [constellation]
astron. Gravstickeln {u} [best. f.] [Caelum] [stjärnbild]Caelum <Cae> [constellation]
astron. Giraffen {u} [best. f.] [Camelopardalis] [stjärnbild]Camelopardalis <Cam> [constellation]
astron. Kräftan {u} [best. f.] [Cancer] [stjärnbild]Cancer <Cnc> [constellation]
astron. Stenbocken {u} [best. f.] [Capricornus] [stjärnbild]Capricornus <Cap> [constellation]
astron. Kölen {u} [best. f.] [Carina] [stjärnbild]Carina <Car> [constellation]
astron. Cassiopeja {n} [oböjl.] [stjärnbild]Cassiopeia <Cas> [constellation]
astron. Kentauren {u} [best. f.] [Centaurus] [stjärnbild]Centaurus <Cen> [constellation]
astron. Cepheus {u} [stjärnbild]Cepheus <Cep> [constellation]
astron. Valfisken {u} [best. f.] [Cetus] [stjärnbild]Cetus <Cet> [constellation]
astron. Kameleonten {u} [best. f.] [Chamaeleon] [stjärnbild]Chamaeleon <Cha> [constellation]
astron. Cirkelpassaren {u} [best. f.] [Circinus] [stjärnbild]Circinus <Cir> [constellation]
astron. Duvan {u} [best. f.] [Columba] [stjärnbild]Columba <Col> [constellation]
astron. Korpen {u} [best. f.] [Corvus] [stjärnbild]Corvus <Crv> [constellation]
astron. Bägaren {u} [best. f.] [Crater] [stjärnbild]Crater <Crt> [constellation]
astron. Södra korset {n} [best. f.] [Crux] [stjärnbild]Crux <Cru> [constellation]
astron. Svanen {u} [best. f.] [Cygnus] [stjärnbild]Cygnus <Cyg> [constellation]
astron. Delfinen {u} [best. f.] [Delphinus] [stjärnbild]Delphinus <Del> [constellation]
astron. Svärdfisken {u} [best. f.] [Dorado] [stjärnbild]Dorado <Dor> [constellation]
astron. Draken {u} [best. f.] [Draco] [stjärnbild]Draco <Dra> [constellation]
astron. Lilla hästen {u} [best. f.] [Equuleus] [stjärnbild]Equuleus <Equ> [constellation]
astron. mytol. Eridanus {u} [stjärnbild]Eridanus <Eri> [constellation]
astron. Ugnen {u} [best. f.] [Fornax] [stjärnbild]Fornax <For> [constellation]
astron. Tvillingarna {pl} [best. f.] [Gemini] [stjärnbild]Gemini <Gem> [constellation]
astron. Tranan {u} [best. f.] [Grus] [stjärnbild]Grus <Gru> [constellation]
astron. Herkules {u} [stjärnbild]Hercules <Her> [constellation]
astron. Pendeluret {n} [best. f.] [Horologium] [stjärnbild]Horologium <Hor> [constellation]
astron. Vattenormen {u} [best. f.] [Hydra] [stjärnbild]Hydra <Hya> [constellation]
astron. Lilla vattenormen {u} [best. f.] [Hydrus] [stjärnbild]Hydrus <Hyi> [constellation]
astron. Indianen {u} [best. f.] [Indus] [stjärnbild]Indus <Ind> [constellation]
astron. Ödlan {u} [best. f.] [Lacerta] [stjärnbild]Lacerta <Lac> [constellation]
astron. Lejonet {n} [best. f.] [stjärntecken; stjärnbild]Leo <Leo> [star sign; constellation]
astron. Haren {u} [best. f.] [Lepus] [stjärnbild]Lepus <Lep> [constellation]
astron. Vågen {u} [best. f.] [Libra] [stjärnbild]Libra <Lib> [constellation]
astron. Vargen {u} [best. f.] [Lupus] [stjärnbild]Lupus <Lup> [constellation]
astron. Lodjuret {n} [best. f.] [Lynx] [stjärnbild]Lynx <Lyn> [constellation]
astron. Lyran {u} [best. f.] [Lyra] [stjärnbild]Lyra <Lyr> [constellation]
astron. Taffelberget {n} [best. f.] [Mensa] [stjärnbild]Mensa <Men> [constellation]
astron. Mikroskopet {n} [best. f.] [Microscopium] [stjärnbild]Microscopium <Mic> [constellation]
Enhörningen {u} [best. f.] [Monoceros] [stjärnbild]Monoceros <Mon> [constellation]
astron. Flugan {u} [best. f.] [Musca] [stjärnbild]Musca <Mus> [constellation]
astron. Vinkelhaken {u} [best. f.] [Norma] [stjärnbild]Norma <Nor> [constellation]
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