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Dictionary Swedish English: [a]

Translation 1 - 50 of 149  >>

disig {adj}hazy [covered by a haze]
hjälpsam {adj}helpful [of a person]
obunden {adj}independent [e.g. a candidate not belonging to a political party]
precis {adv}just [by a narrow margin; exactly, precisely; recently]
följaktligen {adv}thus [consequently, as a result]
en gång i veckan {adv}weekly [once a week]
en gång per vecka {adv}weekly [once a week]
meteo. nederbördsrik {adj}wet [e.g. a wet winter]
att skära
to cut [with a knife]
att inträda [blir medlem]
to join [become a member]
fin. att swisha[send money via Swish, a mobile app]
att öka taktento accelerate [a process]
att alarmerato alarm [warn about a danger, alert]
sport att kicka [vard.] [sparka boll]to boot [a ball]
Unverified att gräva ner ngt.to bury sth. [e.g. a treasure]
att fylla ito complete [a form, questionnaire]
Unverified att korka upp ngt.to crack sth. [Am.] [a bottle with a cork]
att innebärato entail [have as a logical consequence]
att inträdato enter [a room]
underv. att köra i ngt. [vard.] [bli underkänd]to fail sth. [e.g. a test]
att kännasto feel [to have a feeling; to feel like sb./sth.]
att apportera [om hund]to fetch [of a dog]
att skjutato fire [a weapon]
att vidarebefordra ngt.to forward sth. [a letter, etc.]
sport att kicka [vard.] [sparka boll]to kick [a ball]
tek. att svarva ngt.to lathe sth. [shape with a lathe]
sjöf. att sjösättato launch [a boat, ship]
tek. att fräsa [bearbeta (bort) med fräs]to mill [with a milling machine]
att stönato moan [make a moan]
att kastato pitch [a ball]
att plottato plot [on a graph etc.]
att backa [köra bakåt]to reverse [in a vehicle]
att klämtato toll [a bell]
att tillresato travel [to a destination]
tek. att svarva ngt.to turn sth. [shape with a lathe]
Unverified att korka upp ngt.to uncork sth. [e.g. a bottle]
våning {u}
floor [in a multistorey building]
film bio {u}
the movies {pl} [esp. Am.] [showing of a motion picture]
nådebröd {n}[voluntary support for a former employee or relative in old age]
teater akt {u}act [in a play]
arki. alkov {u}alcove [in a room]
arki. nisch {u}alcove [in a wall]
relig. aspersorium {n}aspersorium [a stoup, basin, or other vessel for holy water]
sjöf. kajplats {u}berth [for a ship]
klinga {u}blade [of a knife]
fordon bagagelucka {u}boot [Br.] [of a car]
fordon bagageutrymme {n}boot [Br.] [of a car]
tältning {u}camping [with a tent]
bot. rör {n} [strå av högväxt gräs]cane [hollow stem of e.g. a reed]
slaktkropp {u}carcase [Br.] [of a slaughtered animal]
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