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Swedish-English translation for: [OR-1]
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Dictionary Swedish English: [OR 1]

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enhet luftf. sjöf. knop {u} [1 sjömil i timmen]knot [1 nautical mile per hour]
med. deltavariant {u} [av coronaviruset] [B.1.617.2]Delta variant [of the coronavirus]
tjeckisk {adj}Czech [of or related to the Czech Republic or language]
apostel {u}apostle [or: Apostle]
mytol. relig. demonisk {adj}daemonic [spv. or archaic] [demonic]
slovakisk {adj}Slovakian [of or relating to Slovakia]
jord {u}Earth [or earth] [planet]
kristallinsk {adj}crystalline [consisting of or containing crystals]
syndig {adj}peccable [formal] [liable or prone to sin]
fys. luftf. aerodynamik {u}aerodynamics [treated as {sg} or {pl}]
skal {n}skin [of a fruit or vegetable]
relig. aftongudstjänst {u}vespers {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
relig. kvällsgudstjänst {u}vespers {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
patt {adj} {adv} [oböjl.]in stalemate [chess, or fig.]
tryckande {adj} [oböjl.]oppressive [depressing to the spirit or senses]
mus. bordun {u}drone [continously sustained note or chord]
helvete {n}hell [or: Hell (in the religious sense)]
zool. T
postfack {n}pigeonhole [compartment for keeping letters or documents]
hist. feodaladel {u}feudal nobility [treated as sg. or pl.]
underv. vetens. genusvetenskap {u}gender studies {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
sport golfbana {u}golf links {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
att vara upptagento be occupied [busy or in use]
att göra ngt. ogjortto undo sth. [cancel or revoke sth.]
ur visare {u} [på ur]hand [on a clock or watch]
över {prep} [mer än]more than [a specified number or quantity]
pol. Unverified identitetspolitik {u}identity politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.]
pol. symbolpolitik {u}symbolic politics [treated as sg. or (less often) pl.]
alpglöd {u}Alpine glow [in the Alps] [or: alpine glow [elsewhere]]
med. Unverified att tejpato tape sth. [to fasten, tie, bind, cover, or support with tape]
nådebröd {n}[voluntary support for a former employee or relative in old age]
kennel {u}kennels [Br.] [treated as {sg} or {pl}] [dog boarding / breeding establishment]
lapp {u} [litet stycke papper eller tyg]shred [of paper or fabric]
anat. klädsel sula {u} [undersida  fot eller sko]sole [of foot or shoe]
att skada ngn.to scathe sb. [archaic] [dialect] [harm or injure, esp. by fire]
skog. vindfälle {n}windfall [tree or wood that has been blown down by the wind]
idiom God fortsättning![greeting phrase used either between Dec 25-30 or Jan 2-7]
mat. Unverified att låta ngt. vilato let sth. sit [esp. when preparing a meal or hot beverage]
tejp {noun}tape [adhesive tape; video or audio tape]
relig. aspersorium {n}aspersorium [a stoup, basin, or other vessel for holy water]
mästerinna {u}mistress [esp. of an art, or as an honorific]
sport aerobics {noun} [oböjl.]aerobics {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.]
biol. med. plasma {u} [del av blod eller celler]plasma [blood plasma or cytoplasma]
Unverified det nya svarta {n} [best. f.] [idiom]the thing [coll.] [latest fad or fashion] [idiom]
fyrkantig person {u} [bildl.] [stel person]square [coll.] [a person, conventional in taste or way of life]
sport att gränsla [inom slalom]to straddle a gate [in slalom or giant slalom]
hist. Unverified Fredrik I {noun} [tysk-romersk kejsare, kallad Barbarossa eller Rödskägg]Frederick I [Holy Roman Emperor, called Barbarossa or Redbeard]
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