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Engelsk-svensk ordbok

Swedish-English translation for: [E-330]
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Dictionary Swedish English: [E 330]

Translation 1 - 50 of 91  >>


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kemi citronsyra {u} [E-330]citric acid
Partial Matches
entom. fackspr. livsmed. bivax {n}beeswax [E-901]
sackarin {n} [E-954]saccharin
vändbar {adj}reversible [e.g. clothing]
främmande {adj} [oböjl.]alien [e.g. species]
bruten {adj}broken [e.g. glass, bone]
avvikande {adj} [oböjl.]contrasting [e.g. colour]
fristående {adj}detached [e.g. house, building]
att fabricerato fabricate [e.g. evidence]
att skrapato graze [e.g. skin]
passform {u}fit [e.g. clothes]
mat. gelatin {n} {u} [E-441]gelatine [spv.]
biokemi lykopen {u} [C₄₀H₅₆] [E-160d]lycopene
kruka {u}pot [e.g. flowerpot]
kemi saltsyra {u} [E-507]hydrochloric acid
kemi livsmed. stearinsyra {u} [E-570]stearic acid
utanför {prep}off [e.g. off the coast]
meteo. nederbördsrik {adj}wet [e.g. a wet winter]
att skymmato block [e.g. the view]
att tändato light [e.g. cigarette, fire]
uppsving {n}boom [e.g. in the economy]
kyla {u}cold [e.g. cold weather]
uppslag {n}entry [e.g. in a dictionary]
stolpe {u}post [e.g. lamp post]
handel Unverified affär {u} [butik]shop [e.g. supermarket]
facit {n} [lösning]solution [e.g. a to problem]
stat. falsk positiv {adj}false positive [e.g. findings]
Unverified i affärer {adv}on business [e.g. to travel]
kemi ättiksyra {u} [E-260] [CH3COOH]acetic acid
kemi livsmed. borsyra {u} [H3BO3] [E-284]boric acid
kemi koldioxid {u}carbon dioxide <CO2> [E-290]
dubbeldäckare {u}double-decker [e.g. bus]
kemi kaliumhydroxid {u} [KOH] [E-525]potassium hydroxide
kemi livsmed. natriumhydroxid {u} [NaOH] [E-524]sodium hydroxide
Unverified att medverkato collaborate [e.g. on a project]
Unverified att nyttja ngt.to employ sth. [e.g. method]
att refusera ngt.to reject sth. [e.g. publication]
krets {u}circle [e.g. group of people]
förvrängning {u}corruption [e.g. of a word]
tek. växel {u}gear [e.g. in a gearbox]
ockupation {u}occupation [e.g. of a country]
skal {n} [t.ex. äggskal]shell [e.g. eggshell]
rutschbana {u}slide [e.g. in a playground]
rutschkana {u}slide [e.g. in a playground]
att plocka uppto pick up [e.g. hitchhikers]
kemi livsmed. bensenkarboxylsyra {u} [C7H6O2] [C6H5COOH]benzoic acid [E-210]
kemi livsmed. fenylkarboxylsyra {u} [C7H6O2] [C6H5COOH]benzoic acid [E-210]
kemi livsmed. fenylmyrsyra {u} [C7H6O2] [C6H5COOH]benzoic acid [E-210]
kemi livsmed. karboxibensen {u} {n} [C7H6O2] [C6H5COOH]benzoic acid [E-210]
fys. exciterat tillstånd {n}excited state [e.g. atom, electron]
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